Morningstar Home
Heating Relief Fund
Keeping Maine Seniors Warm
Maine winters are beautiful, but can be brutal without the means to adequately heat your home.
Taking Care of Each Other
At Morningstar Stone and Tile, we care about the work we do, the people we work with and for, and the community we create. That’s why we’ve founded a charity that gives back: The Morningstar Home Heating Relief Fund.
The Morningstar Home Heating Relief fund was born of Lesa Lemar’s desire to help low-income Maine seniors connect to home heating assistance. We help low-income Mainers stay warm. For older Mainers, navigating the state agencies to secure home heating assistance can be daunting. Lesa and her father experienced this firsthand. Frustration from this process inspired the creation of Morningstar’s Home Heating Relief Fund, to help our most vulnerable neighbors.
Maine has the oldest population in the U.S. and 75,000 Maine senior households are financially insecure (source: While our winters are beautiful, they can be brutal without the means to adequately heat your home. You can help! Please join us in helping older Mainers on fixed incomes by making a donation to the Morningstar Home Heating Relief Fund today.
To distribute funds, Morningstar has partnered with the Maine Community Action Partnership (MeCap). Founded in 1965, MeCap’s focus is to improve the quality of life for Mainers in need. 100% of each dollar raised goes to MeCap for immediate home heating relief in our State.
While we cannot make an impact in all areas for all people, we do aim to help in some impactful way. The Morningstar Home Heating Relief Fund is one small way we can give back.
Things we all need to know:
- Maine has the oldest population in the US
- 75,000 Maine senior households are financially insecure
- 7% of Maine senior households have an annual income of less than 10K and 28% less than 20K
- 26% of Maine residents 60 and over received food stamps in the last year
- The average Social Security Income in Maine is $16,356/year (sourced from Senior Care)

Our Mission:
The Morningstar Home Heating Relief Fund is a recognized 501c3 charity whose primary purpose and mission shall be to provide home heating assistance to Maine seniors who live on a fixed income; but not, however, to operate at a profit or for the benefit of any member of the fund.
Our Sponsors